Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday Funday

Got up early for our games today at least they were close by, Cal High is just around the corner, the girls did pretty good although they were having a very off day. We didn't win any of the games which is basically because of errors, and errors always hurt the spirit of the team, they become contiguous and before you know it everyone is suffering from it, whether they are involved with it or feeling it, it does affect them all in one way or another. We do try to get them to get past it but there must be something, as coaches that we are missing to try and keep their spirits up, their drive headed forward, and their hearts in the game. I'm sure there is a coach or therapist that could shed some light on what we could do as coaches to approach and support our girls to the level of desire to play that they may not realize they could reach, I feel we keep pushing them but they aren't seeing the goal, I believe we may be unclear in our direction we wish to proceed, I've recently discovered that putting goals down on paper really helps to clarify things, for example a budget sounds good but write it down and it takes on a reality all it's own, so instead of talking it out I think we need to print it out and use it as a class discussion once a week. Well that's all I got tonight I'm getting super tired so I'm going to bed.  So sleep well.  M
Ps. Giving thanks is how we give back

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