Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I've recently been thinking about an idea, something that many people who know me also know I like quotes and trying to use them in a situation is a great reward for me, they tend to end up as part of my pow wow session with the Dominators softball team before games, it's my way of getting them all on the same page whether they just got out of bed, had a sleepover, or just finishing breakfast, I want them all to be in the same frame of mind not still reliving their past 24 hours. It was something I started a few years ago when Coach Joe and I were coaching our first all-star team, and the girls seemed to enjoy it, when a girl might be running a bit late you could see her hustling to the circle because she didn't want to left out, not to ring my own bell, we took first place at Districts and fourth at States that was a great year.
  So my idea is posting a quote and then putting it into perspective as I see it maybe on Fridays and Mondays and we'll see if I can get any comments on them. M


  1. Well....since I dont get the pleasure to hear these quotes of yours and people all the way in Colorado and the young and impressionable girls from baseball think its a great and fun idea. I cant wait to hear this... Lets see whatcha got M!! :) L
