Friday, August 16, 2013

Get back

Work has been going well, but I've been having a lot of pain in my lower back for the last few days, I got new shoes so I don't think that is it, maybe I'm just getting old, I'm sure it'll pass. 
What is up with CA. Now if you feel like a girl you can enter the girls restroom, join the girls sports team, or go into the girls locker room same thing if you feel like a boy today. Why don't they just put a neutral facility for them if the are unsure what they are. What's gonna happen when our girls basketball team shows up for a game with three boys (if we can call them that) on the team and the other team only has girls, the way it should be, I'm sure the people in the stands are gonna be like, What the...   
Got to love those cry baby kids that can't make the team with their own gender.
Ps. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you handle it

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Don't cheat life of your contribution,
Give it what you got
My understanding of this is, don't just sit there on the sideline, get in there and do what you can to make your life what you want it to be, you have all the power use it. M

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I've recently been thinking about an idea, something that many people who know me also know I like quotes and trying to use them in a situation is a great reward for me, they tend to end up as part of my pow wow session with the Dominators softball team before games, it's my way of getting them all on the same page whether they just got out of bed, had a sleepover, or just finishing breakfast, I want them all to be in the same frame of mind not still reliving their past 24 hours. It was something I started a few years ago when Coach Joe and I were coaching our first all-star team, and the girls seemed to enjoy it, when a girl might be running a bit late you could see her hustling to the circle because she didn't want to left out, not to ring my own bell, we took first place at Districts and fourth at States that was a great year.
  So my idea is posting a quote and then putting it into perspective as I see it maybe on Fridays and Mondays and we'll see if I can get any comments on them. M

Monday, August 12, 2013


Over the weekend Linda's family was out we had a real nice visit they went with Linda and the kids school shopping, I didn't go I don't like shopping especially clothes shopping, but I did get to dog sit, I had my two dogs Harlie and Callie plus their dog Ziggy. After they left for the mall coach Joe called to see if I could watch his dog while he and his family went to a family dinner so I had Koda also luckily they are all about the same size dogs, so they all chased each other around the house while I read the book Start by Jon Acuff it's really a great book I highly recommend it so I read for awhile and took a nap and the dogs took that as a sign that it was nap time so when I woke up they were all on the couch with me. Not too long after we all woke from our afternoon siesta the family returned home from the clutches of sales and discounts with bags and bags of clothes, I was really glad I didn't go they looked bushed and me and my new furry friends were well rested and ready for dinner. We went to Chili's, I love that place, had a great meal, oh and before we left Joe came by and picked up Koda. Earlier in the week I had gotten word that a coworker had a car for sale that was in pretty good condition and I had planned to take Chelsi to go see it on Sunday so that's what we did Sunday morning we left the house at about 08:00 stopped a Carl's jr for a quick breakfast on our way to Yorba Linda about 45 mins away, we got there and this totally cute little car was sitting in Dennis' driveway he had just washed it, it is an 88 Ford Festiva it's red/maroon it looked like it had been in a time capsule, I'll try to add a pic of it at the bottom if this, we brought it home everyone loved it and I took the girls for a little ride in it and later that evening I took Chelsi out to see if she could get the hang of driving a manual transmission and she did pretty good, as most of you know learning to drive a stick takes practice so I feel she'll do just fine. So when she gets to driving this car I'm gonna put the Pulsar up on jack stands and do a little work on it so that Cortni will have something to learn to drive with since she is just around the corner from getting her permit, so that was pretty much my weekend in a nutshell. So lets be careful out there.  M
Ps. If you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This or that

I'm finding out that my life, during the week anyways, is very routine but I think it's on the border of boring. Trying to think of something to write about that's new is hard to find, so I'm gonna try an divert my time into looking for some things that are going on around me that I think need to be fixed or at least adjusted  while trying no to be a whiner. Wait wait wait I've got an even better idea, I'm gonna figure out what I can change about myself to make me a better person, father, husband, just an all around better human being, that sounds like a bigger, more rewarding project. I'm gonna start with no longer raising my voice, unless I'm at a concert, that should be the easiest place to begin since I'm under the impression that being angry is 90% my own fault, it probably has something to do with a matter I failed to address beforehand, and that makes it my responsibility to address it now, in a civil manner. I'm not crazy or an angry person, although I used to be verbally abusive with my family years ago but I feel I have gotten past that with an understanding that if it bothers me enough to be mad about it just do it myself and maybe my family will acknowledge how I want something done, if that's the case. So I have become "ok with it" if say the dishes aren't done or the beds are not made, I find myself not doing them either or making the bed, but I do make the bed because I get home so late that Linda will have all the covers on her side if I haven't claimed my half and I am the last one out of bed so it only makes sense to me to make it. Second item on the agenda will be to get MY chores done I a timely manner such as all the outdoor projects like mow the yard, wash the cars, spray for bugs, clean the backyard, and the garage, I initially had great visions of mowing on Mondays, cars on Tuesday, backyard on Wednesday, balance the finances on Thursday, and sleep an extra hour on Friday so when the weekend got here all my chores would be done, that's the plan anyway. So step 1 and 2 are written down now I have to do my best, and hold myself accountable, maybe my family will also try to free up our weekends, we'll see. Until next time.  M
Ps. Saving is behaving

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Mmm chocolate

Work was good, they finally fixed the car wash now we can wash our tractors at our own yard, I've been washing mine at Ontario every Monday for a few months. Linda made some chicken and sauce over rice it's very good and for dessert she made Some kind of brownie with pudding, whip cream, and cream cheese topping, and is it sweet but it's really good. It's been a long day so I'm off to bed, so sleep well.  M
Ps. No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted